Nic Cage Is Doing Front Flips And Killing Aliens In The First Trailer For 'Jiu Jitsu'

(Previous blog)

Am I crazy for actually loving this?? I'm a big fan of any more that knows exactly what it is and doesn't try to go beyond it's means. DIrector Dimitri Logothetis previously did 'Kickboxer: Retaliation' which is a great example of a movie that hit that balance. Besides having the king Nic Cage, this movie has a bunch of legitimately great fight actors. Movies that go all out to deliver high-quality action and don't over-rely on shaky-cam misdirections to make their fight choreography more believable will always have my sign of approval. 

Also, I'm still 90% sure that the sword Nic Cage uses in this is the one I assume kept after the movie where he hunted down bin Laden. He's looking spry, too! Did you see that real frontflip at the end of the trailer?

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